Fire & Smoke Restoration in Boston, MA

Trusted Professionals Serving Boston, MA and Surrounding Areas

Fire, Smoke, and Soot Restoration

Is your home or business still suffering from the aftermath of a fire? Smoke and soot can damage your property and belongings, causing odors that can linger for years if left untreated. So when it comes to dealing with fire damage, trust our expert team to get your property back into shape.

25+ Years of Experience

Dedicated to restoration for over two decades.

High-Quality Restoration Services

Count on our consistency. We deliver as promised.

Competitively Priced Service

Restoration can be expensive, we'll get you a good price.

Striving for 100% Satisfaction

Your property is our #1 priority. We'll restore everything back to new.

Roy's Restoration Difference

At Roy’s Restoration & Carpet Cleaning, we understand how devastating fire damage can be. That’s why we take a thorough, meticulous approach to damage repair and restoration. When you call on us, you’ll benefit from our industry experience and compassionate approach to customer service. 


Situations like these don’t wait, and neither should you.

Our Restoration Process

 As part of the fire damage repair process, we offer comprehensive fire damage restoration services including:

The emotional impact of a fire can linger well after the damage has been done. While we may not be able to expedite the healing process, what we can do is make the cleanup process far more efficient and successful. So if you need fire damage repair services in the Greater Boston Area, turn to our team and know that you’re in good hands. Call us today for more information or to schedule your appointment.


“The owner of the company really made sure that the job was done correctly and everything was perfect!”

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Ready to restore your property?

Every property has unique needs. Let’s discuss yours and bring your vision to life.